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87seconds expertise

How about making interviews more fun for your company?

No matter what the subject, no one wants to listen to someone sitting on a couch, facing the camera, for two minutes. To stand out from the competition and engage your audience, it’s essential to take a creative approach to designing your interviews. In this article, we present the basics of an original and effective interview, as well as practical tips on how to make your interviews more creative.

The 3 bases of a successful interview: a good narrative, a well thought-out setting and differentiating techniques

To make your interview a success, it is important to work on the following three pillars:

  • Narrative: breaking the mould by breaking the codes
  • The setting: defining a visual territory and making an impression
  • Techniques: creating content that is different and adapted to the broadcast medium

By combining these three elements, you can create creative interviews that stand out from the crowd.

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Tips to make your interviews more creative

Now that you know the basics of an original interview, here are some tips to take your communication strategy even further:

  • Dare to be tailor-made to make an impression

By choosing a physical setting to support your concept, the visual identity of your brand is enhanced in the setting. Opt for a friendly and design spirit that changes the too corporate decorations, such as a question box, a tray or a LED screen.

  • Dress up your interviews and challenge your format

By adding a graphic design to enhance your interview, overprints to support the speech, dynamic animation to give the video a rhythm and jingles to give the series an identity and create cues for the viewer, you can boost the emotion of your audience.

  • Pace your editing so no one falls asleep

To prevent your audience from getting bored, use split screen to pace the video and introduce the speakers, original transitions and the use of multiple camera axes.

  • Play with the backstage with a small budget

By bringing a touch of authenticity to your interviews, you can make an impression. Play with a “behind the scene” effect that brings a relaxed posture and puts the speaker at ease. Use an agile set-up that can be easily set up in your premises.

  • Create off-beat moments and surprise your audience

By using a well-balanced humour, you can rely on ambassadors such as influencers, actors or even partnerships. Propose an identifiable signature to differentiate yourself from your competitors.

  • Adapt, adapt and reach your target

Adapt your content to its distribution medium: format, duration, subtitles. Use the codes of social networks to reach your target. Create the drive to and adapt your call to action for an effective marketing campaign.

Creative interviews are a great way to bring your content to life and convey the emotion behind your brand.

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Whether you’re in industry, banking, insurance or telecoms, creative interviews are an excellent way for companies to give their employees a voice, discover their talents and strengthen their employer brand, as well as to stimulate motivation and commitment among their teams. Finally, offering an authentic and engaging experience, creative interviews allow companies to effectively communicate their values and culture to both internal and external audiences.

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